10/02/2015: Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED)

PED is a virus that causes severe diarrhoea and dehydration in pigs. A new highly pathogenic strain of the virus has spread quickly across North America and was confirmed in the Ukraine near the Polish border in December 2014. If keepers see an episode of unusual or rapidly spreading diarrhoea in pigs of any age they should contact their private vet immediately. To encourage prompt reporting test sampling kits are being distributed, free of charge to all active pig keepers in Scotland.

10/11/2014: ScotEID guidance concerning tags in the ‘historic flock’

On the 1st January 2015 sheep with old tags (born or tagged before 1st January 2010) will be subject to a new set of rules. The rules and the options for dealing with them have been detailed in this document.
A very succinct summary of the principle recommendation is: From the 1st of January 2015 if you are moving animals from the historic flock (identified prior to 1st January 2010) to a mart/ Scottish abattoir the advice from industry is to remove the old tags and replace with a new EID pair.
Advice on the historic flock

14/11/2013: ScotEID Phase 4 plan

The ScotEID Phase 4 development plan outlines the current work of the ScotEID research and development team. The overall objective is to utilise applied research and development to explore the feasibility of a Scottish multi-species livestock relational database system capable of interfacing with other data systems to meet regulatory requirements for the UK Member States well as taking on board additional industry requirements.

Current work includes new software to allow farmers to record farm to farm sheep movements electronically, completion of the BVD database including systems to provide faster data transfer from CTS and laboratories, research into practical systems for cattle EID, and data sharing arrangements to provide information for fast accurate tracing in the event of a disease outbreak.

ScotEID Phase 4 plan

07/11/2013: BVD eradication phase 3

In January 2014 we will enter phase 3 of the BVD eradication scheme. This will require, along with a continuation of mandatory annual screening:

  • A ban on knowingly selling/moving cattle infected with BVDV;
  • Requiring the herd's BVD status to be declared before sale; and,
  • Restrictions on untested herds/animals

Further information on these control measures from the Scot Gov website

Anyone with any concerns should not hesitate to contact the BVD helpline help@scoteid.com / 0300 244 9823 (open from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday).