15/01/21: Pig export health certification - stakeholder update

Please see the update below from the Defra trade Readiness Team:

Trichinella and live pig/pig meat export

What is happening with the UK’s listing application for trichinella controls and the export of live pigs and pig meat?

Defra applied to the EU Commission for listing of GB as a third country to allow us to certify live pigs or pig meat for export as coming from controlled housing without the need for trichinella testing.

GB has been granted use of a derogation from testing un-weaned piglets under the age of 5 weeks.

We are awaiting the final outcome of our application regarding the ability to certify other pigs or fresh meat from them as coming from controlled housing without the need for trichinella testing.

Until the outcome is known, GB exports of live pigs or fresh pig meat will not be able to be certified as coming from controlled housing

When will the final outcome be known?

This is not expected before the end of February 2021 at the earliest. We will keep industry updated on the latest position.

Is this a change to the guidance issued on 1 January 2021?

This latest position reflects the status of Defra’s discussions with the EU Commission. It is intended to reduce the risk of pigs and pig meat being rejected when entering Member States.

What about exports from Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland does not need to be listed as a third country for export purposes but does need to be identified alongside Member States as a country using controlled housing.

09/09/2020: Cattle EID tags - update

Research and development is continuing by ScotEID into the use UHF tags on farm and at markets and abattoirs.   UHF tags have been chosen because they will show the actual tag number (WYSIWYG), can long distance read, are anti-collision and  don’t interfere with existing EID systems.  The very latest UHF development includes battery power with GPS location.  UHF readers, both fixed and handheld, are available commercially being used in many industries throughout the world.

ScotEID UHF tags can be used voluntarily and are available as part of the pilot ongoing, testing their use on farm and through markets and abattoirs.  Currently there is one official UHF secondary tag available, and others will be made available during 2021.  There is, as yet, no planned date to make these tags compulsory, either for new-borns, or as replacement tags.  There are other UHF tags available but currently can only be used as management tags and manufacturers are currently taking these through compulsory testing called PAS44.

UHF tags are a light salmon pink colour making them easy to see, which will be important during the period when there will be mixed batches of cattle.

Low Frequency (LF) tags are only available using a manufacturer coded chip, this code has to be translated by software to show the visible number on the tag.  It is planned that official LF WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) will become available but will require a number change, which is complicated and requires current government systems to be updated.  Unfortunately, the CTS/BCMS system cannot be updated to accommodate a new number sequence compatible with the low frequency EID international standard (ISO 11784).  At this time ScotEID don't believe that LF WYSIWGY tags will become available as official tags until CTS/BCMS closes (when new cattle systems in England and Wales become operational), which could be two years away.

Cattle keepers have two choices currently:

28/05/2020: ScotEID huntly office

Many thanks for your patience if any call you made to the Huntly office was delayed or you had to leave a message during the lockdown period. We are now steadily building capacity in the office whilst abiding with Government guidelines. With all good luck and guidance we will be back to full capacity for the Autumn sales season, and thereafter for the transition from CTS to ScotEID at the end of November, recording cattle births, deaths and business to business movements.

06/05/2020: Transition of cattle births/deaths/movements from CTS to ScotEID

Minister for Rural Affairs Mairi Gougeon made the following announcement today:

Following discussions with the Bovine EID Industry Working Group* on the transition from CTS to ScotEID, it has been agreed to delay the go live date from summer 2020 to the end of November 2020. This is due to the impact that COVID-19 is having on some third party software providers, as well as the wider farming community.
The end of November date will mean that the Autumn calving period and the main cattle sales will both be finished and there will be the minimum number of births and movements being registered on the system.
We will continue to monitor the timings and the impact of COVID-19. If November is no longer an option the next suitable go live date would be the end of January 2021. This would avoid the busy Christmas period and have the system ready before Spring calving commenced.

24/03/2020: ScotEID information centre reduced capacity

Following the announcement by the Government on Monday evening, the Huntly office will be closed today Tuesday. The office operation will be reconfigured to handle urgent calls and requests. We expect to have a very reduced staff available as from tomorrow Wednesday 25th to handle urgent calls. In the meantime do not hesitate to email us on help@scoteid.com and we will provide assistance.
Many thanks 
Josie Forth, Office Manager.