21/10/2021: Covid-19

Unfortunately, a colleague in the ScotEID Huntly office has tested positive for Covid.  This will mean that the office must adhere to the procedures for NHS Test & Protect.  This may mean that our normal service is interrupted as we change to more work from home.  Please bear with us during this time.  Thank you Bob Yuill – Director.

20/09/2021: Registration for ScotMoves+

Cattle keepers that are required to register for ScotMoves+ are due to receive a registration letter including a ‘registration code’. Keepers already registered for the existing system ScotMoves have been automatically registered for ScotMoves+. This can be checked on the menu item ‘ScotMoves+ Registration'.

The switch over is scheduled for the 4th October 2021. You do not have to register before then but you will need to be registered once you need to record cattle births, deaths or moves.

Links to the issued communications:

If you have not received this communication by the 24th of September, please contact ScotEID.


06/09/2021: Switch Over to ScotEID - scheduled for the 4th of October 2021

Cattle keepers in Scotland are due to receive an introductory letter and a booklet containing questions and answers regarding the switch over of keepers, currently reporting their cattle records to BCMS, to begin reporting all their cattle records to ScotEID.  The switch over is scheduled for the 4th October 2021.

Links to the issued communications are below:

Covering Letter

Keeper switch over Q & A

If you have not received this communication by the 10th of September, and you would like paper copies sent out, please contact ScotEID.

03/02/2021: Data Protection Policy update

Please note that our Data Protection Policy has been updated.  The update includes the addition of the Food Standards Agency (FSA) who may require limited access for data on trichinella controls for the export of live pigs and pig meat.  Also included is a new reference where limited data and analysis may be used towards reducing emissions intensity of livestock systems by improving on-farm production and greenhouse gas efficiencies. Other small changes include reference to withdrawal from the European Union, which may be subject to further updating.

ScotEID Data Protection Policy

15/01/21: Pig export health certification - stakeholder update

Please see the update below from the Defra trade Readiness Team:

Trichinella and live pig/pig meat export

What is happening with the UK’s listing application for trichinella controls and the export of live pigs and pig meat?

Defra applied to the EU Commission for listing of GB as a third country to allow us to certify live pigs or pig meat for export as coming from controlled housing without the need for trichinella testing.

GB has been granted use of a derogation from testing un-weaned piglets under the age of 5 weeks.

We are awaiting the final outcome of our application regarding the ability to certify other pigs or fresh meat from them as coming from controlled housing without the need for trichinella testing.

Until the outcome is known, GB exports of live pigs or fresh pig meat will not be able to be certified as coming from controlled housing

When will the final outcome be known?

This is not expected before the end of February 2021 at the earliest. We will keep industry updated on the latest position.

Is this a change to the guidance issued on 1 January 2021?

This latest position reflects the status of Defra’s discussions with the EU Commission. It is intended to reduce the risk of pigs and pig meat being rejected when entering Member States.

What about exports from Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland does not need to be listed as a third country for export purposes but does need to be identified alongside Member States as a country using controlled housing.