03/06/2024: Reminders to cattle keepers

Exhibiting at Shows - For cattle attending livestock shows, please record a ScotMoves+ Off Movement to the Show CPH. Upon submitting the movement you will be asked if you would like to record the return movement also. A full how-to guide can be found here.

Cattle moving to grazing - please record your 'within business' cattle movements if you move cattle to additional holdings for grazing.

Cattle deaths - please record all cattle deaths on ScotMoves+ and post back the passports for cattle that have died on farm or are missing/presumed dead. Fallen stock companies do not record cattle deaths on your behalf.


Thank you from the Help Team - 01466 794323

05/04/2024: Scottish Government cattle identification and traceability consultation

The Scottish Government is seeking views on proposals to change the cattle identification and traceability regime within Scotland.

We would encourage all parts of the supply-chain to respond to the consultation.

Consultation Document 

Consultation on cattle identification and traceability in Scotland

Report on using UHF for cattle EID

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

ScotEID welcomes the Scottish Governments consultation on cattle identification and traceability, particularly the element around the electronic identification of cattle.   Bovine EID provides improved reporting accuracy and real time reporting, which are crucial in the event of a notifiable disease outbreak.  It  also offers the chance to remove the need for cattle passports.

26/03/2024: Trichinella – Controlled Housing Conditions for Pigs

Previously as a European Union (EU) Member State, we were able to operate a keeper self-declaration system for Controlled Housing Conditions (CHC) for pigs.  This meant that these animals were exempt from trichinella testing.  However, this is no longer an option as Official Vets (OVs) are required to sign an export health certificate (EHC) and part of this includes them signing off that pigs or pig meat comes from CHC compliant holdings.  Given the assurance required to allow an OV to sign an EHC it is no longer possible to rely on system of self-declaration. 

Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) and other standards organisations have reviewed their standards for the pig assurance schemes to ensure they comply with the requirements of the EU legislation for CHC for pigs. 

From Friday 29 March 2024 the current self-declaration list on ScotEID is no longer available.  As of Saturday 30 March you must be a member of an assurance scheme such as QMS and your vet must submit a quarterly vet declaration (QVD) to confirm your compliance to be able to tick the CHC box on ScotEID.  If you are not a member of an assurance scheme your pigs require to be tested for trichinella.

For keepers who decide not to become a member of an assurance scheme there is a requirement for the vet to submit the quarterly report on ‘Pig Premises Separation from Cloven Hoofed Animals’ which is also a EHC requirement. 

23/01/2024 Sending post to ScotEID - incorrect postage

We have been receiving an increasing number of postal charges, due to the incorrect postage being affixed to envelopes sent to ScotEID. This can result in delays in us receiving and processing your data. 

For example, if the envelope is thicker than 5mm, weighs more than 100g (but less than 2kg) and/or is larger than A5, then a large letter stamp should be used. More information on sizes and weights can be found at Royal Mail Letters and Parcels.

We are also receiving old stamps that are no longer valid, please ensure that you no longer use the old stamps. Further information is available at Royal Mail - Know where your old stamps are.  Please ensure you buy your stamps from a reputable source and do not reuse stamps that have been sent to you as we are seeing a number of counterfeit and reused stamps.

If you are unsure about any of the above, then please take guidance from Royal Mail staff. Please note that these charges may be passed onto the sender/keeper, along with an administrative fee. 

Thank you for your assistance.


29/12/2023: Reminder - Sheep and Goat Inventory 2023 survey link

The Sheep and Goat Inventory 2023 Survey is available on this link: https://survey.scoteid.com/

The password required to sign on to the Survey can be found on the letter sent by the Animal Health and Welfare Disease Prevention Team within Scottish Government.  The letters were posted on Tuesday 28th November. 

This year,  the Sheep and Goat Inventory is available to complete via the online survey only. More information is available in the guidance.  The online survey has been extended to 31/01/2024, please ensure your  Sheep and Goat Inventory is completed by then.

Please use the email address sheepandgoatinventory@gov.scot for any queries regarding the Sheep and Goat Inventory.

18/12/2023 ScotEID office festive opening hours

The Huntly office is closed Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th of December 2023, and Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd of January 2024 over the festive period.  The answer machine is available for short messages to be left over this period or alternatively please send an email in to help@scoteid.com and we will get back to you when we return to the office.

We wish you all the best over the festive period.


12/12/2023 Export Eligibility Checker is now available

On the left hand menu the Export Eligibility functions are now available with links to more information.

For keepers, marts, abattoirs, and FSS; export eligibility

For Vets; Recording and Viewing Vet Attestations can be found on the export eligibility home page when signed in to ScotEID.

For user guides please click here.

The Scottish Government release is on this link,  Vet Visits: Providing Evidence for Exports

30/11/2023: Sheep and Goat Inventory for 2023 - Now open to complete

The survey to complete the Sheep and Goat Inventory for 2023 is now open and available on this link:


Sheep and Goat keepers have been sent a letter from the Animal Health and Welfare Disease Prevention Team within Scottish Government containing the password required to sign on to the Survey using the link above.  The letters were posted on Tuesday 28th November. 

This year,  the Sheep and Goat Inventory is available to complete via the online survey only. More information is available in the guidance.  The survey closes on the 31st December, please ensure your  Sheep and Goat Inventory is completed by then.  Please use the email address sheepandgoatinventory@gov.scot for queries regarding the Sheep and Goat Inventory which can be used to send a question or request a call back. Please use this email address if you have not received your letter by 12/12/2023.