13/03/2019: Cattle EID
Further to the news item of 31/08/2018 (see below), the proposed implementation dates for cattle EID in Scotland are likely to be delayed; however, they will still be subject to industry consultation and approval. EU exit and some other factors out with Scottish Government’s control have impacted on planned timescales.
Subject to the Scottish Government consultation exercise, electronic identification (EID) of cattle will be phased-in for Scotland over the next few years. New proposed dates for implementation will be confirmed as soon as possible.
The ScotEID team will organise a ‘road show’ around Scotland during the time of the consultation period to describe the industry led EID project and ongoing development of Cattle EID and the new data systems that will eventually replace CTS. Dates and venues will be posted here and locally advertised during the consultation period.
Extensive development of the new system remains ongoing, with very promising results from UHF tags, particularly when using the latest UHF readers that are now available.
The ScotEID system will be able to utilise LF tags when they become available in WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) format, also delayed.
ScotEID will be at the Highland Show again this year, and the ScotEID team will be delighted to bring you up to date with the latest developments and demonstrate the technology.