08/04/2015: Bovine EID numbering

The possible implementation of voluntary bovine EID as part of European legislation offers significant opportunities to the industry. However, the existing GB cattle numbering system is incompatible with the EID standard (ISO 11784) to be required by Europe. Therefore, there is a significant challenge in finding a cost-effective solution which will not discourage voluntary uptake of bovine EID. This paper details the problems, possible solutions and trade-offs.
Bovine EID numbering

05/03/2015: Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED)

PED is a virus that causes severe diarrhoea and dehydration in pigs. A new highly pathogenic strain of the virus has spread quickly across North America and was confirmed in the Ukraine near the Polish border in December 2014. If keepers see an episode of unusual or rapidly spreading diarrhoea in pigs of any age they should contact their private vet immediately. To encourage prompt reporting test sampling kits Have been distributed, free of charge to all active pig keepers in Scotland.

If you have any further enquiries please contact Jill Thomson SAC Consulting on 0131 535 3130.

10/02/2015: Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED)

PED is a virus that causes severe diarrhoea and dehydration in pigs. A new highly pathogenic strain of the virus has spread quickly across North America and was confirmed in the Ukraine near the Polish border in December 2014. If keepers see an episode of unusual or rapidly spreading diarrhoea in pigs of any age they should contact their private vet immediately. To encourage prompt reporting test sampling kits are being distributed, free of charge to all active pig keepers in Scotland.